
The Last Enemy Flatlines



2 Years
01-03-2014, 10:37 AM

The sun would paint its picture way up in the clear skies, glistening its golden beam downwards for us all to absorb, who knows how the whole planet may work- perhaps the only reason the sun gifts us with its heat is for the simple fact it may have pity on us all; every single one of us. But, Meinx had no desire to think about how the world evolves, but to simply strive for the present and future. Her sweet, salmon tounge would lick at her thin onyx lips, craving for some water. Its always the simple things we need the most, isnt it? food, water, shelter. If not? where open to death. The soft murmuring of voices would snap meinx back into reality, her mind soon pulling away from her own little haze. Her eyes would scatter among the area, until pinning onto the placid king with 2 fascanating women by his side. You see, the dark pearl was never fond on gatherings, but she wanted to see this performance.

weaving in and out of the shadows, the suns light would ripple along the contours of her skeletal spine. Her eyes would first fixate upon the pale woman; who looked so delicate and polite- shifting over to the darker fae; who seemed all the bit more confident. A sigh would tickle against her lips before exiting. And finally, her gaze would land onto the king who everyone seemed to oh, so desire. " A good king doesnt need to say speak his title, others would simply know." A weak chuckle would depart before nearing slightly closer. " Do you see yourself as a good king?" The girl would question, she believed her father was a great one, only accepting the best. Meinx wasnt even half grown and she already compared to a small adult wolf, nearing medium and she isnt yet a years old. After a few moments meinx would stop, a meter behind the two other individuals, awaiting to see his answer.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.