


12-09-2013, 11:47 PM
OOC Name: Cherie
How did you get here?: Google Search!
Age: 22 Years Old

Character's Name: Kalispell
Age: 3 Years
Season of birth: Spring
Size: 32 Inches
Appearance description: A silken wrap of aureate fur envelopes this imposing vixen-- silvers, dapples of white, and deepest golds fighting for dominance across the large female's hide. Her forever-long legs are cloaked in darkened golden rays, save for a dainty white sliver surrounding the base of her paws and tracing the ligaments up the back of her lower hind legs. She is truly an ethereal beauty, though she is the very textbook definition of a Goddess-- notorious for her motherly nature.

She could stand shoulder to shoulder next to most males and blend into the bunch, were it not for her harshly feminine lines and voluptuous curves. MKalispell stands at an imposing 32 inches at the shoulder, though she is far from bulky, and is more than capable and comfortable of working every impressive inch of her frame to do whatever it takes to help another. Her legs make up most of her height, giving her an almost unparalleled stride when she gets moving-- making this vixen one hell of a sprinter. Her body sculpted from lean muscle and hardened sinew, she is no stranger to the hard life of a loner- despite growing up within the ranks of family. She has become accustomed to traveling far and long and often without rest.

Kalispell's eyes are warm, calculating, and intense-- a sinfully alluring azure-like hue that serves to complete the heavenly guise of this fallen angel. She has small clusters of speckles on her face and neck- almost like freckles, though most are hidden by the luxurious coat that drapes itself across her frame. They give her an almost girlish look.

Duty: Fisher