
Walk the Night in the Valley



10 Years
12-10-2013, 12:14 AM

After telling her aunt all of the experiences she had from just those six months of travelling, it was Odette's turn to listen. Chrysanthe didn't waste any time with what she had to ask. The fact was, it was what the question meant that made Odette's realization blinker turn off in her mind. The proposition for her to be the Alpha's daughter made her eyes widen. Of course, she was Gargoyle and Ocena's daughter by blood and she would always claim them as her parents. That didn't seem to be a problem for her aunt, though...and it wouldn't be one for Odette, either.
A few seconds after Chrysanthe spoke, Odette was able to find her voice. "Aunt're asking me to be your daughter? And you will be my" She looked to the ground a few inches away from the female's foot, thinking about how her future would pan out from this proposal. It wasn't long before Odette raised her head, eyes of red and blue meeting the singular light blue opt of the russet-furred lady. Once their gazes met, Chrysanthe added that she would become an Adravendi. It was the icing on the cake and Odette's response was a happy bark. "Yes, Aunt Chrysanthe. I would love it if you became my mother..."
She rose from her seat on the cold ground and her tail started to wag very fast. Snow that hadn't stuck to the grass flew in a fan-like arch from the impact of wind Odette made with her tail, but she didn't care. Odette turned in a happy circle, barking in short, light yips that showed her excitement. Upon finishing a complete 360, Odette padded to Chrysanthe and nuzzled her neck with a tender movement. Her eyes closed and she let the warmth from the Alpha's offer and body sweep over her. Tears of joy began to seep from her closed eyelids before slipping out into her fur. The emotions she felt were overwhelming and Odette let them flow. Ocena's personality showed in the tears that were shed.
The Gargoyle mini-me pulled back and looked up to Chrysanthe with the tears still shining in her opts. "I will have you as my mother, as well as a teacher for what I will need to know to survive...and Uncle Gideon? He will be my father?" She leaned her head to the side and gave a concerned look. "Do you think he will like me?" The question was serious, but then again, it wasn't a big deal. Chrysanthe was going to be her mother!! She laughed weakly and a wet smile appeared on her face. "Being an Adravendi will be an honor...Mother." She tried out the title for her aunt and immediately felt warmth towards it. "You don't know how happy you have made me, Mother." Her smile brightened at the title and she blinked back the tears that were still poised in her eyes. "I don't know what else to say..."

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