
This House Is Falling Apart


12-10-2013, 02:07 AM

Winter made the lands cold. And recently, Squall had found himself wandering more then usual. Though he was sure it had to do with not wanting to be around much within his own pack as of late. Loccian was now the new queen, and he wasn't sure if he could entirely handle seeing her or being around her as of late. He had put his heart on his sleeve, began to get close to her. And then it turned out she didn't feel the same once Gerhardt had returned. And now, she was having Gerhardt's pups. It was quite a hard hit of reality to him. He was uncertain whether he could place his trust so easily like that in someone again. He had lost someone he was really close to before as a child, he wasn't sure if he could bear it again. It's what made him cold, taciturn, introverted and unwilling to open himself up.

And so it was with such hard feelings that he would find a place of solitude. Somewhere he could just sit and brood. He loved his pack, he strived to do what he could for them. They had accepted him, but even then he didn't quite know anyone except for Loccian and a young girl by the name of Jendai. Jendai, he had begun to grow quite fond of her. He felt for the child, her father after all, had been taken prisoner by Glaciem during the war. He had a high dislike for them, then again it seemed that pack was the enemy of most if not all of Alacritis. His lip curled, disliking the fact that they would tear a child's father, and a woman's husband away from them.

Chocolate colored head was lowered, icy blue eyes gazing blankly at the ground. Absentmindedly his paws lead him to the southern caves, the ones he had been to before when he first arrived. A young boy by the name of Augustus and his former crush, Loccian had been here. This place held some memories, not exactly pleasant but memories all the same. It was then that an unfamiliar scent pulled his attention, and silently he would seek out who it was. Soon after finding the scent, a yelp would be heard and swiftly he quickened his pace. It sounded like whoever it was, was in pain. But he wasn't sure exactly who it was or from what had hurt her.

It wasn't until then when he turned into the mouth of the cave, the scent was stronger. And not far within he saw the form a smaller wolf, a she-wolf, upon the cold stone floor. Quietly he entered, claws clicking softly on the floor as indifferent eyes kept on her. He would stop just a few feet away, head lowered slightly as his ears lied forward at attentions. "Are you alright?" he would ask simply, wondering if she needed help though not entirely showing concern. The way he did things, was quietly help. Act like he didn't care when deep down, he actually did.
