
Like a ripple to the shore


12-10-2013, 04:20 AM

Short, gray limbs carried the pup through the snow as she wandered away from the stone garden that she called home. Unlike some pups she wasn't so much seeking adventure as she was trying to find something interesting. Everything was just so dull where they lived. Snow and rocks. Rocks and snow. That's all she ever saw around their den. So, while their mother was distracted, Senka wandered off, trying to find something new to look at or someone new to meet.

The trees that she had been walking through for a while now suddenly stopped and she looked up so that her violet gaze landed on the pools of water. But unlike every other pool of water she had seen lately it wasn't frozen. It seemed to be completely liquid. In fact, it was not only not frozen, but steaming. She blinked and padded over to the edge of one of the pools, peering down at it curiously before dipping in a single forepaw. It was warm! The corner of her mouth curled in a slight grin as she stepped forward till both forepaws were submerged in the warm water, her tail waving gently from side to side. If there was one thing she hated more than anything it was the cold so this was perfect for her.

A wolf's scent broke though the slightly odd smell of the pools, catching the pup's attention and making her lift her eyes from the water. She spotted a fea on the other side of the small pools, an ivory wolf with what looked to be some sort of marking on her face. Senka did not speak, she merely lifted a mildly curious eye-brow and watched the stranger, wondering what she might do or if she would look up and see Senka standing there.
