
Carry Me, Carry Me, Carry Me Now



03-18-2013, 06:13 PM
Old habits left the small grey wolf wandering along the newly designated Valhallan border, patrolling in a lazy way since she was still mainly becoming accustomed to the lay of the land and the positions of their boundaries. She had stopped and tilted her head inquiringly when the call rang out, recognizing the voice of their still new leader, and turned on her heel into a bounding lope, eager to hear the reason for the call and the intent to gather the pack together as a whole.

Unsurprising, she was one of the last to arrive, a decent gathering of wolves already present and seated in a rough group with Collision at their center. Rather than settle herself at the edge, Ashtoreth stepped carefully and quietly among them, glancing to either side at those she passed as she listened intently to the direction of the conversation she could hear. Positions? Was that what this was about?

Not wanting to be forgotten or overlooked, the petite wolf stopped amid the group and stood waiting for an opening, speaking when she was sure her words would not crowd out those of someone else or be lost under someone else's comments. "I'd like a hunter rank, if it could be arranged," Ashtoreth said with a friendly smile, her voice carrying to ensure that she would be heard over those who conversed quietly amongst themselves.

OOC: Short short and no prettified text, but I'm late so I just wanted to post something. >.<