
Like a ripple to the shore


12-10-2013, 11:34 AM
Though she had found a nice home in the forest with large trees, Isabella was not happy there. There was no water, no connection to the Ocean she loved so much. That and a recent scent had put her on edge, a scent she had learned to avoid when young, the scent of a mountain lion, cougar, puma, whatever one called the big cat she knew they were silent killers. Not yet skilled enough to live where one of the cats were she sought out a different home, preferably one with water.

Her need carried her to the East, a land she had yet to travel in. Following the scent of water the fox colored she-wolf had found this strange new land. Her small form moved on with her head ears and tail high aside from the occasional lowering to the water. The water was warm, so much so it gave off steam and it smelled of minerals that reminded her of a spring.

The emotions did not show on her of course, except slightly in her eyes. Wandering around the steamy place she found a secluded spot to lay down close to the water. Letting her tail dip in it, she lay as flat and hidden as she could on the ground. The steam helped to hide her, the ground helped to hide her fur but her icy blue eyes stood out like glowing moons. Calmly she let her tail fall into the warm water, it was rather soothing."Hot water that does not flow, well I suppose in some way you still must be a child of the Ocean. Perhaps the rain that falls here is special. I do not see why not. If a beach with no water can exist then hot water with no sand can exist as well." She said to the water thinking she was alone. It was only when she spoke to the water that her voice held emotion, joy at finding it, respect for a part of the Ocean and a bit of wonder.

But of course, she was not alone. Though the scents of the water she picked up the scent of one, no two wolves, both female. The first was a wolf around her age, maybe a year younger. This wolf had interesting colors, white with a colorful markings on her face, a somewhat silver back and two eye colors. Isabella was proud that she could hide so well, but it was no doubt this wolf would notice her sooner or later if she did not already from Isabella's talking. Deciding to make herself obvious he stood with a small huffing noise. Eyes on the stranger she took in what she could learn before turning her head to the other scent to find a gray and white. "What is one as young as that doing out alone?" She thought to herself.

These two strangers, even the pup, could be a potential threat and as such she kept an ear on each of them while her eyes lay somewhere in the middle to go quickly to one or the other. What struck her as odd was the pup did not smell of many other wolves while the white wolf did, no doubt a pack wolf. Either way, the two of them did not smell of each other. Isabella wanted to speak, to know if she was safe with these two stranger so she decided to take a simple rout And strike up a conversation. "Greetings. I am Isabella VentFlurrer. Do either of you know what this place is?" Her words were not as warm when she spoke to the water, they were cold, not so much as to be hateful but enough to be calm and sound like the diplomat she was.