
This House Is Falling Apart


12-10-2013, 12:49 PM

The air was freezing, suffocating her as she tried to breathe. Kalispell should have been use to the cold, she was raised in it, taught the essence of it's existance, the cruelty of it's ways. Yet, here she was- teeth clamped tightly shut around her tongue, lips pressed firmly together as if she were determined the winter chill might give her frost bite. She winced. The throbbing in her foot was enough to put her on edge, not broken- no. Stubbed? Is that what the called it?

The bitch sighed heavily, azure eyes closing if only for a moment. The sweet silence she had found rocked her to her core. It was moments like these that she began to realize she really was alone, and had been since the disappearance of her kin. A question, as simple as a child's smile, broke the silence around her; sending the young Frau on edge. What had she done?

Looking out, the Silhouette appeared to be larger than she; no doubt that of a male, and from the smell of him one of her kind. Yet, he smelled strange; as if the smell of multiple beings clung to him. Little did she know, this was the smell of a pack that clung to his trussels. The vixen lowered her ears, unable to see much in the dim light. "Wh--" Her question was interrupted as the inquisitive brute was soon joined by a lady fair. No smell wafted towards her with this one, perhaps she was alone as well. The smell was assuredly more calm.

Kalispell tensed, picking herself up off her haunches. The she-wolf slowly backed farther into the dark abode. This stranger was smaller than the first, with legs that looked as if they went on forever and might disappear into the nether. A question was asked again, the quiet serenade echoing through the chamber. Another question of her well-being, were the wolves of this land that trusting?

A quiet 'hmppf' passed it's way from her silken gums, her cheeks pulled back into a look of pure confusion. Dumbfounded would have been putting it mildly. "Are all of the inhabitants of this land as carefree and reckless?" Where she had come from not many would be so bold as to approach a stranger. Assistance? No, she was sure she had it, but there was... "I believe I just smushed my toes. They are not broken I do not think, so assistance is very kind to offer..." Kali paused and took in a deep wiff of air, talking with strangers. She couldn't remember the last time she had conversed. The poor girl was surprised she even remembered the words. "It would be a great deed if one of you could tell me exactly where I am. I have been searching for something for quite some time, and appear to have wandered near packlands. If they are your own, I am very sorry." Azure eyes flitted towards the male who smelled so strange. Why did he smell so different?
