
If you want to get out alive


12-10-2013, 02:07 PM

The winter had still kept its grip across the land, and while Vahva was dry her muscles were slightly sore from the trip over here. The woman had come from Tortuga's new territory, as they had decided to make their home on an island. Which was fine with her seeing as the island was stock piled with herbs and she was trying to do her part in taking care of the new family who seemed to need help, yet regardless she felt the need to come visit her birth pack. Lots of things had changed since she was last here, things that she could sense was a bit of tension. Everyone had been on edge ever since the war with Glaciem in which she didn't witness. What she did, was Guinevere telling her not to go after the albino kings throne. Her black and white body made contrast to the snowy weather as she sat down at the borders. Her red eyes glistening within the dim light of the morning. She tilted her maned head, thinking of what this pack could possibly think of her, not that she cared.
Vahva let out a sharp bark, she just wanted to spend a few minutes, maybe an hour within the lands to speak with someone. She sat with her head level with shoulders, expression in a stable straight fashion. Though her maturity was clear with the aura she gave off. She wasn't an alphess anymore, but her leader like mother qualities still stood where they were. She was happy regardless, even if worried about her old home, this was the pack she was birthed in, there may have been others who wanted to see her....probably not though.
