
My songs know what you did in the dark


12-10-2013, 02:19 PM
insanity is my vice and it's made life quite nice

Where the moon sang the stars always followed and he was her everything. Something pulled her towards him, always; it was like he was her oxygen. If she was not around him, in some manner, she felt like a part of her soul was missing. The summonings had begun. Wolves had heard word of her fathers reign and naturally they were inclined to join his ranks. She had witnessed a few wolves swear their fealty to her father and she was eager to continue to witness such wondrous endeavors.

She was silently as she followed him. Taking her time to press each paw gently into the ground beneath her. Her tail was low and swaying as she walked. Her amethyst gaze watched as the new wolf came into focus. Her taste for the male gender was growing fowl, the only male she needed was her father, and any other was unworthy of her affections. Her ears pulled forward curiously as she heard her father growl at the stranger. Her fur bristled upright in response to his slightly hostility. She refrained from mimicking his growl with her own.

She lowered her head and made her way towards her father?s side. Her lips quivered in a silent snarl towards the stranger. Her father belonged to her. He was her moon and heaven. This male was unworthy. He had proven nothing but that he was a nuisance. He had no class, no honor, If the male thought he was doing no harm by leisurely sitting by the boarders. Was there something wrong with the mans voice? She had heard no summonings as the previous wolves that had called to her father and dealt with her and her sisters had done. They had at least held some sort of manners. She said nothing; her father had demanded a reason and she would stand by him. Should the male pose a threat to her father then she would tear the bastard apart.

code by sam & image by lu