
If you want to get out alive



6 Years
12-10-2013, 03:32 PM

The bark that alerted her was no more than a whisper on the wind. Azalea located on the fringe of the sound's range. It was a miracle to say she had left the puppies alone in the den, reminding herself that they were safe within Valhallan territory.

Ears perked at the sound, head lifting from the snow where she had been snuffling along for prey. The sound was familiar, leading her to turn toward it. Not to her surprise, she ended up on the border facing a wolf she had seen in much the same situation before. Vahza or something like that was her name.

"Once I was accepting you back into the pack and now here you are again. Remind me of your name?" Her tone was purely inquisitive as she seated herself across from the rainbow wolf. Her blood colored eyes made her own eyes want to water but she maintained herself perfectly. Unfortunately Azalea held no rank as of now having had decided to let her brother keep her title while she went through the horrors of birthing and nursing. She would like to get her body back into shape first.

"You smell like Tortuga, I assume you are not here to join up this time." So what was she here for? One good terms with Tortuga or not, now was hardly the time for wolves of other packs to show up on the doorstep. Even Vahva's Valhallan roots could not sway Azalea to just let her within the pack lands. Far away from where they were now her infants squirmed about in the den. This was all the closer Vahva was going to get to them.
