
My songs know what you did in the dark


12-10-2013, 03:53 PM
<3 totally fine
The only sign that Soldier had seen the man or heard him was the fact that his tail lowered slightly, just in respect for the alpha that was before him. Well, he assumed the man was the leader of the pack within the borders that he stood near. His body expressions stayed the same, emotionless as he let out a rather flawless lie towards them, well, it was half true. "I am Soldier Crewe, and I have come to offer my services to the pack. I am a fighter; I can hunt when needed, but I am a fighter at heart." He tried to make his point of he wanted to fight evident. His tone was soft, he rarely raised his voice.

He saw his soft voice as a way to trick others. He tried to beguile his way through life, but eventually he would have to fold, and his deals with the devil would haunt him. But he didn?t mind, his soul was his own to do away with and he wasn?t some goody two shoes that would go around trying to get into a better life. As far as he was concerned, summer every day where he would go. Another had arrived, and another after that. He had been graced with more than one wolf. His heart almost raced?.well not really. He had done this all before, countless times.

His amber eyes hid everything that could make him a threat, his constant anger all hidden beneath his amber eyes and his almost completely white coat. His brown face had no emotions to it, not a polite smile or a frown. His eyes stayed in their normal state, not bothering to narrow or widen. His voice had sounded almost automatic, like a response from a machine, or a man who had been brainwashed. He tried to sound like what he thought he was. The perfect soldier. But alas, Soldier had a lot to learn about Alacritis if he was ever going to make it.

He had no idea if he would be taken in, or if others would see straight through his well built up disguise. He had fooled several before, but this was a whole new challenge for him. Every pack was, and most of the time he passed. Sometimes he let his guard down and his eyes betrayed him, he would not let that happen again. "I would like to serve. Being a rouge wolf does not suite me, but I look only for the strongest and the smartest." He told the man who had demanded to know why he was here. The man [Syrinx] had demanded answers with one simple word. Soldier felt like he had given a litany for a reply.