
somewhere i b e l o n g



03-18-2013, 06:35 PM

The brunette woman's smile widened when Kamala called her mother. She loved when the trio called her that instead of Adette. It had taken them a while to warm up to the name, but eventually they did. Well, except Valkis. He still barley talked to them, and when he did he called her and Gerhardt by their names. He had never called them mother or father. He was an odd child, certainly a little off in the head. Adette still loved him the same though, just as she did with her other children. Adopted or not they were her children and they always would be. "Hello darling." Kamala had always seemed to shy away from her, maybe because of her temper and parenting skills. She had little tolerance for defiance, and when she had to she handled things a little more roughly than necessarily. But hey, it worked didn't it? For the most part at least. All three of the pups were still alive and well, and that's all that mattered. "Well, I was tending to some duties and decided i'd stop by and say hello to my daughter. Is that such a bad thing?" She teased in a sarcastic tone. She had not spent much time with her kids since they had gotten old enough to be on their own for the most part. What was she supposed to do? Spend every second with them like she did when she had first found them? They all three needed to develop some independence, and trailing around with their mother wouldn't give them that. Still, Adette liked spending time with her little ones. "What have you been up yo Kammy? Anything interesting happening? Any boys trying to win you over yet?" Her smiled widened as she laughed. Kamala was a beautiful little dame, boys would certainly be drooling over her sooner or later.
