
Calling of the North


12-10-2013, 07:56 PM

[ Theo Blaise / Loner / Frozen Field ] Night fell across the eternal landscape, giving the endless ranges of mountains an ethereal feeling. Stars glistened like silver eyes in the night sky, and the moon hung limply, its crescent claw elegantly curved and illuminated. The moon appeared to be casting a faint, milky glow along the gray stones of the mountain ranges, making the scenery appear to have a surreal, gorgeous light cast upon it. Heavy snow dappled the peaks of even the lowest mountains, and a cold, howling wind scorched the rocky outcrops. In spite of the cold weather, the streams and rivers still caused a calm, gurgling sound to emanate through the mountainous valleys, giving the North lands a serene, tranquil tone.

Claws clicked against the icy terrain as a wolf padded through the field of endless glaciers, snow buffeting his fur as he padded onward. Opening his jaws, a thick, frozen breath protruded from the massive set of glistening, blood-stained fangs. Though Theo despised the cold until his final breath, the ice always seemed to call out to him, and his bones ached for the frozen landscape of the North. He had been born in the harsh season of winter; perhaps this is why he loved to gaze upon the field of glistening, beautiful ice. To him, the glaciers did not spell danger. They only meant new discoveries and gorgeous, natural artwork. Theo would always prefer the land of the glaciers over the forests any day, even if he did not like the cold so much.

Snow began to obscure his vision overtime, and each pawstep became a bit more difficult. Still, he continued to trudge on, feeling the icy wind tug at his snow-white fur. Though he shrank away from the cold, it was evident that he was born for the North. Perhaps he had even been born in the North, but he would never divulge that. Besides, a wolf's mind did not judge its birth place; only their heart sought out the setting in ravenous desire for the gorgeous, glistening scenery.
