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10 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2013, 06:50 PM

Wandering had become a favorite past time of Epiphron's. Though it had only been two days since her meeting with Maverick, she already found herself daydreaming of her future reunion with the boy. However, she felt something akin to loneliness seeping into her very being; was this what it felt like to fall for another? For as long as she felt herself attracted to Maverick, would her life consist of brief moments of euphoria when they were finally able to be together, spread apart by moments of restless boredom.

He'd taken a liking to trailing the borders, as though hoping to catch the scent of Maverick. But the idea was ridiculous and even a bit childish, and she figured he wasn't bold enough -- or stupid enough -- to try such a thing. On this particular day, however, the faint scent of a stranger met her flared nostrils. With perked ears, her eyes attentively scanning the land before her. As if on cue, the voice of a stranger rang out nearby, requesting the presence of a Valhallan wolf.

Finally she could put herself to use. With a bounce in her step, the ivory-furred lady padded in the direction of the stranger's call. The female was wise to remain a decent distance from claimed territory. Head held high on her small shoulders, Epiphron approached the stranger, tail flagged high behind her back. She was well aware she had the upper hand, and a wonderful sense of importance flooded the female's body.

"Greetings," her sweet voice rung out towards the female as her eyes examined the female, her eyes judging though not unkind. "Give me your name and your reason for being here."