
Got my bad baby by my heavenly side [SPAR]


12-10-2013, 08:26 PM

[Dated before Soldier's join thread at Amenti; Open to anyone who wants to spar ;; One person/wolf only please ^_^]

His eyes calm, emotionless like a dark and deep pit of amber. His ivory and brown fur slicked back and his back was stiffened. He stood out on the battlefield and looked at whomever he could. If there were to be anyone that was out there for a good spar that was. The barren landscape around him was nothing to gape at and so he saw no real benefit of being there. Sure, he had some anger built up in his system, but he always contained anger. Anger drove him, anger and fear woke him up when it would shut others down normally. His amber gaze caught a small movement on the horizon, but he had to be seeing things. There was nothing there.

There was a hiss under his breath as he wandered around aimlessly, probably not the best thing for the assassin to be doing in a battlefield. But if he found someone, he could spar or maybe, depending on how things went, he could fight for something else. He had nothing to lose other than his soul, but he had practically lost it already anyways, he had sold it to the devil. That was all he really believed in, some would even go as far as to call him a Satanist. But he didn?t believe in religion, only in the deals he made with whatever it was he had sold himself to. His physical body in turn was lean, muscular, stone cold and fearless. His mind didn?t really control him anymore.

It did, he had a choice on how to react to things, and most of the time he did what would have been expected of him. He would have stayed there and kept his trap shut, but sometimes he just burst out. That was the one thing no one could take from him, his freedom on his choice as to how he reacted in situations, but if he could hold forever, he had no idea. His ivory body grazed against the ground, his brown face constantly rotating to see if he was being followed, or if there was a wolf in the area. He liked spars; they helped him keep up his strength, yet caused him little harm. He saved harm for the important things.

There were many things that Soldier Crewe wanted deep inside; love, a mate, and pups. But they were always out of reach to the man, which just infuriated him more. Everything he had worked for in his life drove him farther away from what he wanted deep inside. He was sporadic and a very on the moment man. Everything else seemed to not be important. His bravery, dignity and his beguiling ways were all he had left.