RAVEN x Gitan and RYOUTA x Jaeger
12-10-2013, 09:25 PM
As for the raising of the whelps, they will most likely not have much contact with males, since Ryu doesn't really like them and Raven doesn't give a shit about anything, so unless the guys show up, they won't be seen. The fathers won't have much to do with the babies unless they want to, which is unlikely. Both parents are fairly dark aligned, and the pups will be raised to be warriors, or spies, or if you want them to do their own thing that's cool. If you want to come up with your own designs, pick a litter, give a good description of them, and make them however unique you want. Just make sure they look remotely like the parents, and if you have any questions just PM Seimei or myself. :)