
Hello, I don't believe we've met


12-10-2013, 09:38 PM

The dame seemed quite sheepish that she did not know of any of the girl's family, but the petite masked fae did not mind. A smile broke over her maw and played at her cherubic features as she assured the light brown dame. ?It's fine, doesn't really matter.? She replied, wagging her tail ever so slightly in response to the good wishes from Nymeria. The brown eyed woman thought she might have sounded creepy, but Eulari did not think so. She shook her head, her grin still worn calmly over her angelic face. An inquiry met russet audits, a small songbird mentioned by the older dame before her. Muted pink optics scanned the avians appearance a few times, an expression of befuddlement worn on her face. Tilting her cranium to the side, she continued to examine it for a few more breaths, but could not match it's appearance with anything she had seen in her short life. Returning her gaze to Nymeria, she shook her head, dark lips twisted to the side in thought as her brow furrowed slightly. ?I do not, what do you think it is?? She asked, looking between the two life forms a few times. In a flurry of wing beats, the small bird took off and disappeared into the sky. A sigh escaped her ebony lips as she returned her gaze to the woman and waited for a response.