
awake my soul.



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-10-2013, 09:53 PM

Everything was beginning to happen rather quickly, and a dense sort of haze began to wash over her. The pain was growing strong and relentless, coursing through her body with little mercy, making her body shake as though she were a mere child quivering before its parent. The woman of so much strength had become instantaneously so weak, and it would show. Luckily, the few that were here -- except perhaps Loccian -- knew her as a flawed woman, despite her unwavering facade. A groan would leave her lips as she curled closer to Maverick, craving his presence and strength more than anything, though she knew some women detested nothing more than the presence of a male while birthing.

Her world would sway dangerously around her as she sought to maintain a grip on reality. Losing consciousness was a dangerous possibility during childbirth. Her children could not be delivered if she was not present. Loccian gingerly offered her some herbs, and she would snatch them from Loccian's own grasp without hesitation -- it would be an easy way to kill her if someone felt so inclined, for she had no idea what the healer was feeding her. But instead she would gnaw down on them firmly, hardly tasting the plant at all.

It seemed to ease her pain, even if simply because it was a minor distraction from the pain that seemed intent on tearing her lower half apart. The contractions grew quick and stronger, and she writhed as she turned to roll more fully onto her side. A snarl left her parted jaws as her head contacted with the earth, body shifting uncomfortably as the contractions grew visible.

She was not sure how much time passed, three tiny children would emerge from her womb, tiny and helpless. They would squirm and direct themselves toward her belly, moving to suckle eagerly, oblivious to everything going on around them. How nice it must be to know only instinct and nothing more; if only she could remember such simpler times. Panting, exhausted, she would close her eyes, not yet even glancing at her children. Maverick and Loccian and her children, if they so preferred, would ensure they were healthy and clean them -- she was too tired to even look...