
Together Again



11 Years
01-12-2014, 01:40 PM
Bane looking up at the den's ceiling without adjusting his head and gave a heavy drawn-out sigh. A sprinkle of dirt fell on his head, the elder not bothering to shake it off as he lost all sense of energy and the will to be active for today, the twice-banished closing his eye tiredly for a moment before opening it again. Opening and closing. Inside he was dying of no motivation to do anything. He'd arise late in the day and check his traps followed by a quick sip of water then sulk off to sleep for the remainder of the day and through the night until morning. Then repeat the process all over again. Pitiful.?A hacking cough was given and Bane rose to his paws and hunched over as the fit continued for a few moments. It finally ended with a few muffled rumbles and Bane lay down again before curling up. He tasted blood from the sicknesses violent symptoms though the cause shouldn't be to bad, just his throat.

This cold weather wasn't helping since he was alone as he curled up tighter. His remaining eye closed and a sigh was given, a long moment in time passing for him. Whitening ears didn't quite pick up the sound of shuffling at the entrance of his den, nor the sound of his daughter as she gently inquired his name. A exclamation was heard at the entrance and Bane lazily tried to snap awake when the juvenile wolf was felt colliding with him. It had to take him a few moments, but when Anais had jumped him Bane thought he was being assaulted, the way his daughter had tried to smother his body made him think he trying to be pinned, his one good eye face down in the ground from the wolf's weight. He couldn't see who it was and a growl tore through his muzzle as he brought a leg between him and the stranger and weakly pushed. The place where the wolf's... tongue, not fangs, had touched caused him to give pause. Bane gave a quick sniff and smelled his daughters scent, panting and looking up at her. A sad smile creased his muzzle and he gingerly whisper to his daughter. "Rule number one Anais, let sleeping wolves lie."
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•