
Brightly Wound



01-12-2014, 02:08 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As far as the pack and her duties within it went, adjustments were being made rather well. Her main goal once they had arrived had been to begin on the cache of available food for the pack since they had left their old one behind. The island, having been isolated as it was, held plenty of new sources of food for the Valhallan wolves, and Ashtoreth had been focusing a majority of her time toward learning their ways, observing as much as hunting, so that she might be more successful when she finally started a charge for them. It was tiring work, and she would have loved to retreat back to a cozy, comfy den and rest up after a long day of scouting and hunting.

However, her adjustment period regarding her sleep cycle was taking a hard hit. As much as she was becoming familiar with the island, she was still learning to let her guard down within it, and most of the sleep she was getting was stolen hours when she could hardly keep her eyes open any longer. It helped having Leon close, and often she would seek him out to curl up beside and bury her face in his fur, losing herself in his scent and pretending they were safe back in the Plains in his old den. It was a huge comfort having him there when she woke too, knowing he would keep the dangers at bay, but at the same time it made her feel rather guilty. He was a strong, sturdy wolf; surely his talents would have been better put to use elsewhere.

It crossed her mind again as he woke her with a quiet whisper and a gentle nudge, letting her know of the meeting that had been called to order. Very quietly she groaned; sleep sounded so much nicer. But her respect for Chrysanthe and an underlying curiosity to know why they were being called together that was slowly growing by the second made the small, slim grey wolf drag herself to her paws and trot along after her mate, still waking herself up along the way.

By the time she arrived Ash was feeling considerably more alert, and she roamed her gold and purple eyes across the faces of her pack mates. She smiled at those familiar, saving a special tail wag for Meili who she counted as her best friend beside Leon, and hung back as he made to greet their leader as family could. With only thoughts of work filling her mind, she hardly felt as if she had anything of importance to share, and gave Leon a moment with her alone until he came back and took a seat within the gathered mass of wolves with her at his side. She leaned into him as much as he leaned against her, and unbidden a sudden yawn stole over her to hint at what she had been doing before arriving.