


01-12-2014, 02:57 PM
How had she not come across this place in the past? It was magnificent, wrapped in darkness and crawling with shadows. The sensuous darkness called to her, and she could only heed such a call. The wraith swept over the cool, dank dirt underfoot with hardly a sound. The tunnel led down at a gradual, but noticeable angle. Long tail swept across her heels, feminine hips swaying alluringly as she strode down the ever darkening tunnel. Her paw struck a stone and it careened off into the darkness, disappearing from sight. An ominous clatter told her it had fallen from somewhere, and now the ebony bitch was on edge. Exotic, two toned optics scanned the ground ahead, searching for the drop off. One paw fell straight down, a bottomless drop nearly swallowing her whole.

Cautiously the femme would withdraw her tea cupped paw, taking a deep breath. That was a close one. She thought to herself, carefully feeling around for another route around the gaping maw of the hungry mine. There- the trail suddenly jackknifed to the right, and continued on. Picking up her paws, the sultry shadow would follow the trail, hugging the wall to avoid falling if the trail got suddenly thinner. What could be down in the depths?

Soon she would discover the answer. A pit of shale greeted her at the end of the tunnel. Seriously? Seating herself upon one particularly large, flat stone, she huffed in annoyance. What good was this place for exploring if there was nothing cool in it? Dumb fucking humans never let anything beautiful live... Long tail would flick in annoyance, like a cat's, as she waited around for whatever would greet her next.
