



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
03-18-2013, 07:50 PM (This post was last modified: 03-18-2013, 07:52 PM by Erani.)
Dreams. Nightmares. For her, they were all the same. Sleep. Rest. For her, they were fleeting. Particularly in the last few weeks. She felt feverish. She felt wild. She felt afraid. The gauzy figures of a family long dead danced and drifted in and out of her sleep. Heiress. Healer. In her heart, she knew them both to be true. Tears. Anger. They both welled hot in her. Pain. Loss. Gain. And loss again. And Loss again. And gain again. Rhythms of life. Rhythm of Death. Death. Death. Blank eyes, bloody fur. Run. Run?. Run!

Erani shot to her paws with a shaking sigh that rode on the waves of sobs. The night was heavy with Spring mist on her lofty ridge. It wasn?t a den, far from it. It was where she had dropped, after a bone jarring, breakneck run through Valhalla, trying to escape the restless, feverish feelings that ran rampant through her form. She rose on shaking limbs that still ached from their punishment and looked around, as though expecting the figures from her dreams to step out of the trees and greet her.

It was silent. In the clear midnight sky, a full moon hung bright, shedding silver touched rays upon the Territory. Erani gazed up at the moon, then stepped out of the small indentation her body had left in the soft green moss and made her way through the forest, dappled moonlight washing over her back, catching her guard hairs like strands of silver. Her steps were slow, measured, but she had no set destination. So she meandered through the Territory, thoughts wandering.

The thoughts centered upon memories... Her mother?s laugh, her father?s softly spoken words of love to her mother. Her siblings laughing as they tumbled over the grassy clearing of the Pack?s Den ground... Her breath caught in her throat as her heart seared. She blinked rapidly and continued on, aimless wandering taking her through a large meadow. Shadowy forms bounded away, a small herd of deer startled from a late night feast on Spring grass by the pale predator gliding across the ground...

The pounding of small pads upon the ground as she and her siblings ran to greet the hunters returning with large chunks of meat in their jaws, fresh from the kill. The cracked voices of the wise Elders as they told stories passed down through the generations. The dead, heavy silence, shuddering with aftershocks of violence and fear, and the croaked plea to run.

She was climbing, she vaguely noted, padding up along a narrow deer trail that clung to the face of a cliff. Claws dug in as she hoisted herself up the path? Tiny claws dug in as the small white put scampered and hauled herself up the grassy knoll at the center of the Pack Clearing, where the Alphas stood to make announcements. Yips of determination fled the small female as she lost ground, then surged up. A growl of triumph as she crested the rise and came to stand at the top of the knoll.

Her paws came to a stop as she looked out over Valhalla. She raised her muzzle and took a deep breath, savoring the scents of home... Tiny muzzle lifted, and the small pup let out a high, yelping howl of conquest. The breathless song was let loose, as heads turned to look, and multicolored eyes twinkled with amusement, and laughs were panted. Heavy paw steps behind the pup made her turn. The great white male gazed down at the little white female, pale blue eyes locking with liquid deep blue.

She stared out over Valhalla yet did not see it through the film of tears... The pale blue eyes twinkled with amusement, and the deep voice rumbled a chuckle, before the male lifted his head and let out a long baritone song. The calls of the pack replied, with the high voices of the white pup and her siblings mingling within. And Redwood Pack Sang.

The memory faded as the musical howl rang over Valhalla, starting as a low, velvet moan and rising up through the chords to a silken cry, as her pale throat fur gleamed under the silver touch of the moon. Her eyes were closed as she floated on the sounds of her Birth pack?s voices. In the song rode rage and sadness. At length, her song ended, and rode on the wind as an echo. Her muzzle lowered, and tear bright deep blue eyes opened, then fell to the stony earth between her paws. And the tears fell.

(OOC: I felt so damned Musy...
Word Count:764
Mood: Sadness. Remembrance.
Music: The Dragon's Breath!/s/
Youtube link:
Time for puppies. )