
I think my eyes would do the same


01-12-2014, 05:19 PM

The island was an easy refuge, but it never could hold someone from their dreams. Nightmares all the same again made her in an uncomfortable spot under the tree she had decided to call home for the night. Even though the entire island was home, along with two other territories that Valhalla had claimed. Though the darkness was even more of something that made her feel at ease. The moon faltered over the high tree tops. She refused to dream, when she did though, it wasn't always unpleasant. Just sleep would not come to her tonight, leaving the blue maned woman to stand herself shaking fur free of sand from the beach that she was on. Listening to the water roll into the shore, her paws leaving prints as the well filled out lady rested her rump. Letting the water hit her white paws. Red eyes looking over herself, with spring here, her children would be adults now. And she was simply left wondering where they were, what they'd be doing, and more. With all the family scattered about, it was no surprise, and sometimes she wished she didn't care as much as she did. And didn't feel so uncomfortable here, and she was building herself all over again in the hopes of gaining the trust of the members of valhalla.
Though she was sure within time things would go over smoothly. These wolves were shut out, slightly broken, but never once had they been unable to repair themselves. It was only because of the distrust thwarted towards them by wolves of a greater evil from their point of view. From hers as well, since they had hurt her family, but regardless she couldn't force them to like her so there was no use hanging herself over it, and just trust that their judgment of her would be more relaxed. She shut her eyes, pulling ears back. She would hopefully create something of a safety blanket if she could. No one should live their life fearing that another would take away everything. They should feel strong, dignified and able to defend themselves. While of course they should be aware, it was just something that she wished for. She was a wolf of Valhalla, and she hoped to make a print, much like her mother had during her time as a healer here.
