
You fit like a glove


01-12-2014, 05:37 PM

The duck hung loosely from the woman's jaws, she had been lucky enough to find one let alone catch it. Though birds had to be her least favorite food, she was just getting used to this island, to this home in general. It was a meal however, so she would say her thanks before digging those canines into it to eat it. While right now she knew barely anyone in Valhalla, she was determined to make herself known, and be helpful. After all, she couldn't just boast about have been an alphess and have no skills to back it up. She was used to being judged, and not being liked. The task was making others trust her, even if they didn't like her. She wanted them to know, in her paws, she wouldn't leave them behind, she wouldn't let them down either. Just thinking about it gave her the strength to do so.
The blue maned black and white fae finished her meal. Feathers littering her snout as she sneezed slightly licking her muzzle. One thing to learn would be the native herbs here, she couldn't just turn rusty in the skills she had. Not only was she a warrior, but she was a healer as well. There to help those who were injured and in need at that. Her tail flicked at the thought. So much work, and she thought she wouldn't be doing anything.
