


03-18-2013, 08:28 PM
It made him want to rip something to shreds, maim something beyond recognition, break something until it was nothing more than a heap of bloody pieces... It did, it really did. He rose from his resting place and shook his massive frame, littering any debris that managed to cling to his absorbent black pelt. He began at a walk, the slight amount of sleep he had gotten wasn't showing in his big golden eyes as he picked his pace up. That song, it made him feel murderous, with the gobs of pain it threw at his heart as he listened.

Now he was was racing towards it, the familiar scent of the wolf he had come to really feel for over the last small lengths of time, it made him want to protect her. Her songs he knew. Her songs he loved, and this song... He hated it, it was sang with such emotion and agony it made him want to claw something's heart out.

Finally he saw her, standing atop a large boulder... She was beautiful, she was so beautiful. The way the moon kissed her fur, making it glow it seemed to him. He did not waste time, standing there slack jawed, he had to speak to her. He needed to, as if his life depended on it.

The redolence that spilled from her made him swallow a thick mouthful of drool, it made him lightheaded, it made him need, it made him lust. Much more than a primal instinct to breed with her swelled within his heart and his loins. He approached her then, that fragrance dripped with an equal and if not, greater need than his own to release. "Erani..." He began, powerful bass within his voice transmogrified from his usual voice into the thick, dribbling tones of his arousal. "I heard you, and my insides hurt." He finished as he came close, only a handful inches between their noses as he finished. "I'm so glad you're alright." He stated slowly. "I had feared you might have been in trouble." His eyes, like an open book, looked down as he exhaled a heavy, breathy sigh. "I am thankful... So thankful."