

Elysia I


01-12-2014, 11:53 PM

She laid there calmly, heeding the other females words as to not to move. She couldn't help moving slightly to keep the other in her sights. It wasn't that she didn't trust her but she just simply adored this woman. She was still pondering on how to explain she was ok besides her ribs hurting. But soon the other was infront of her staring into her eyes. She too could not help but stare back at her warmly. Her fur looked so soft, she loved the way the hairs of the tan blended with the black, how her eyes were kind and soft. After a moment she blinked and reached forwards to run her nose alone the other's cheek. If she had a tongue she might have given a flirtatious lick instead. She pulled back with a smile, shy but intrigued.

For some time Elysia had found she only liked one male Kus. And it would forever remain that way. As for her own kind and tended to linger her eyes on the females. They were so vast in personalities, colors, scents. They were like flowers. Elysia wished she could just collect them all, and maybe she just could. If Kus could collect them, could not she do the same? She turned her attention back to the female, slowly she sat up, taken percious care to her ribs. Once fully sitting upright she lifted her paw to the others ribs, indicating where exactly her ribs hurt. She blinked once more and opened her jaws, showing she had no tongue to speak with. But it bothered her not. She wagged her tail and shrugged happily. Maybe this woman could be her first, maybe a crush, a another form of comfort to her. Maybe this girl could fill that missing piece Kus could not.
