
Stirring the Embers of Desire



7 Years
01-13-2014, 01:06 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The russet and black she-wolf made her way back from the Gulley toward the river that ran close to her home territory in the east, nose twitching incessantly as she continuously tested the air of the woods. Her business within the Gulley was complete; she had found mostly by chance a lovely little piece of seclusion and beauty, a place that she intended to return to whenever she managed to get a moment to herself. It was likely not to be for some time yet since she was still trying to get back to pack business and prove herself to be competent and worthy of a promotion. It had been much too long since her last one and with the pups growing she could hardly expect them to keep her busy forever.

But why head to the Rio Grande if she had things to do at the Range? She missed her husband.

She knew well the toll their forced separation was taking on herself but at least she had their children to keep her occupied and distracted from her loneliness without him. He had nothing, no one as far as she was aware, as she could not quite imagine realistically enough the trouble and challenge this posed to him on so many levels. So since she was already away and her absence noted within the pack, she wished to make the most of her outing with an impromptu visit to check in on him and enjoy his company.

It took hardly any time at all for her to find the scent of her husband there along the riverbank; he had surely walked all over it by now in his searches for food close to his den. She could see it already even at a distance, and it was enough to bring a smile to her face, dark gold eyes lighting up at the thought of being able to see him again. She missed him too much. Her eager paws brought her to the den's entrance slowly, cautiously, breathing his scent but still unsure whether he did rest within or whether she might have just missed him. "Bane?" Tahlia asked aloud as she lowered her head to peer inside, eyes adjusting to the dim interior and seeking out his peppered grey form within the shadows.