
Calling For Trouble


01-13-2014, 03:49 AM

Her defense stance remained. Body lowered, head tucked close to protect her neck, though Arietta didn't think that this wolf had any plans on killing her. At least, if he did, it wouldn't before he took control of her and left her broken and begging for mercy. She could see the eyes of the devil as she looked upon this wolf. The fear held in her light blue orbs was well placed. He wasn't right in the head. She should run. Run far away from this damned brute and as fast as she could. But as much as she willed her legs to move she didn't move even an inch.

Her skin would crawl as he spoke. A new era reigning... and she could be the start of a new beginning.She would take a small step back. That could mean two things... and Arietta had the sinking suspicion that he meant both. As a new member... and as a female to bear him even more members. Heirs. The way he looked upon her with such hungry, dominant eyes... it left no question in her mind. To make matters worse her moment of courage was failing her as he continued to gaze upon her.

Did she really have a choice in the matter? This male was larger than her. Before she could help it a soft, fearful whine would escape her, and Arietta would take a further step back."I..." It wasn't like she had any friends or pack mates to call upon. This wolf could easily overpower her. Put her in her place... and there wasn't anyone out there that would even notice that she was gone.

The brown femme would swallow hard, shivering as she looked upon the male. Fighting... running... none of it seemed like a good option. But... she couldn't just give in. She had to do something. Finally Arietta willed her legs to work. She spun, small body shooting across the blood stained ground of the territory. She wouldn't look back. There was no doubt in her mind that the devil would try and pursue her.

Speech, Thought