
Out Last Night


03-18-2013, 09:47 PM
open to whoever,

Ivory coat just barely stood out against the snow as he padded restlessly through the frigid tundra. Though it was well into Spring by now, Marvel found this piece of the land to be still coated with snow and incredibly cold. The only benefit of the cold was that it only increased his desire for physical contact - something he wasn't sure would be possible until now. He slowed his pace to a halt, daydreaming.

A figure void of any specifically notable features danced in front of him. It was definitely female, swathed in oranges and yellows. He moved toward it, but it quickly danced out of reach, tantalizing him with every move it made. A fire burned in his loins, and his tongue hung out of his mouth as his body heat rose. He wondered if the figure might be Jupiter. She swung her head toward him, eyes black holes of emptiness. She moved forward in slow motion, her muzzle directly aligned to meet his if she continued. She did. Just before their noses touched, she vanished into thin air.

He shook himself back to reality, snow flying from his coat where it had deposited. A low grumble echoed in his chest as the flesh sheathing his fangs tightened in aggravation. Tail lashed behind him. Why was it that now that he'd joined Ludicael he was getting less action? He gave a sigh and remained where he was, suddenly having the urge to just sit here and sulk.
