
The Last Enemy Flatlines



8 Years
01-13-2014, 01:10 PM
OOC: Omg guys so sorry I left you hanging so long. D: I didn't expect the whole settling-into-a-new-state thing to take so LONG.

The pale wolf spoke to her, casually, as though she were nothing, and Qanik was taken aback by his words for a moment. Little daisy? Elegant? And did he really just call her a babe?

Whatever reply Qanik may have made, if she'd even been able to formulate one, would have been interrupted by the stealthy arrival of another female. Her greeting was as simple and succinct as Qanik's own had been, a fact that seemed to amuse the albino male who commented on it with a chuckle and another off-hand compliment.

Qanik's ears flicked back and she cast a skeptical glance around the dark terrain before her blue eyes settled back on him with a quirked brow.

King of what exactly?

She had the feeling that this was the sort of wolf who would mate any wolf as long as it was alive and female, regardless of how they looked. She'd met a few of those; always full of glib compliments that they passed around like nothing. She'd learned that lesson - never trust the man who complimented her the same way they would compliment her on a beauty she did not possess - the hard way early in life when one such philandering rogue had broken her youthfully romantic heart... though luckily for her the alpha had intervened before anything physical had occurred anyway. She put no stock in such compliments now, and simply continued to watch both the albino male and the russet female with the same healthy caution.

A young voice spoke up behind her, commenting on the albino's choice of words and questioning him. Qanik turned to angle herself to face this new possible threat as well as the male - not much of a threat after all as it turned out, taller than most that apparent age but still a half-grown pup. But another wolf arrived a moment later, a pale female that Qanik vaguely recognized.

This new wolf stood with a familiar kind of confidence and natural authority, putting Qanik in mind of her father in his prime despite being quite a bit younger than he was. Good day to you as well, the white wolf rumbled politely in return, dipping her own heavy head to the pale-eyed female in greeting.
