
The Last Enemy Flatlines


01-13-2014, 04:00 PM
Appetizing? Now that was not a word she had been called before, it was an odd way to speak and the male acted rather interesting, as she had seen other males to act before. She would indeed keep a watchful eye on the wolf who called himself King, as well as their other companion in the lonely night. The white female seemed shy, fearful even but there was a cautiousness to her Isabella appreciated, it was always good to know what was around. That was certainly true as the male got closer to them. She watched him waiting to move if need be but for now showed nothing but calmness on the outside.

An incline of her head was a sort of thanks from the complement of the male but that was all. She was curious however to the title of King, royals were not as bad as Alpha's they got power though birth not needless bloodshed. Perhaps it wasn't fair but at lest there was not nearly as much death involved. But before she could ask of the royal title another joined them. This one was a female, young but large and with fur that would be well suited for travel in the night. She also seemed playful in a troublesome way as she questioned the King if he felt he was a good King or not.

Yet another joined them, this one a tall female also with a white pelt and moon like eyes. Yet this one had feathers on her tail, no after closer loo it seemed the feathers were in her tail , how strange! But different packs had different ways and Isabella was taught to always respect those ways so she did not let her eyes linger on the female any longer than normal, enough to size her up as she did the younger wolf. So far everyone was calm but who knew how long it would last with the white blue eyed one's fear and the young one's questions clearly meant to annoy. The large white wolf seemed calm at least and that was good for the moment. She dipped her head to the white female in return due to her manors before looking back to the male.

"So a King? If I may ask what is the name of your kingdom and what is it like there?" The others smelled of other wolves so they were either in a pack or kingdom as well, she wanted to learn of them too but for now she would learn of the Kingdom, she would rather serve a King or Queen than an Alpha, and perhaps being in a pack again would end her nightmares. Sweeping her eyes across the others she spoke again. "Ah, my apologizes I should not be so fast to forget my manors. I am Isabella VentFlurra, a loner in these lands." Her voice was still emotionless but just a bit warmer to not seem so harsh in the group. It had been a long while since she was around so many wolves and she wanted to not make any feel unwelcome without cause to do so.