
Apologies [open]


03-18-2013, 11:45 PM

She hesitated, the strangely new yet familiarly recognizable border seemed to glare at her, an intimidating mass that held no form, the last time she had strayed so close she had near found her death at the forefront of Cairo's teeth, an experience she wished not to test again. Her ears pinned back against her cranium, icy blue eyes starring with apprehension. Not fear, not anymore. She was not as naive or as childish as she once was... which was the main reason she had come here at all.

She wasn't sure how long she stood there, starring at the border of Valhalla, the name that brought both a churning notion to her heart and a fleeting feeling of lead settling in her gut. What she had done, on both accounts was wrong, guilt plagued her like nothing else. She had broken the agreement, Cairo had every right to imprison her, she had captured a warriors heart and snapped it like it meant nothing and she had never told him just how much that act had hurt her. But Asheni had been young and scared and naive, unable to see past her initial fear and she only realized now how utterly wrong that had been of her.

Gathering, what little courage the tiny healer had left, she stepped forward, stopping a short respectable distance from the border but not relaxing enough to sit. She tilted her maw to the heavens, a summoning howl erupting from her larynx. She did not mind who greeted her, she did not mind who answered. She was here to apologize, but she would take what she could get.
