


01-14-2014, 03:17 PM

Immense paws would strike the terra underfoot with barely a trace of sound, the wintry goddess near floating above the snow blanketed terra. As she placed a paw upon the surface of the lake, a few lights would collect themselves underfoot. Cherry nose would lower from it's massive height to test the safety of the strange incandescence. Why was she always so drawn to places with strange lights? The question posed itself without an answer, so she abandoned it and stepped onto the ice. Tough pads kept the ice from damaging her paws, allowing her to focus her attention on the magnificence around her. Towering pillars of ice stood atop the ice, whirling and creating a maze of warped mirrors. As she passed among the myriad of imposing stalagmites of frozen liquid, her features were warped into alien facades. Powerful muscles rippled as she strode across the frosted surface like the divine spirit she was named after. Soft raspberry optics drank in the scenery, her own frozen form flitting through the crystalline columns like she belonged there.
Long tail would occasionally sweep across her tall heels as she meandered amongst the frozen stanchions, her mood neither dark nor light. Rosen flanks rose and fell in perfect rhythm as she strolled, pale silver tresses shimmering across her body through the refracted light created by the surrounding ice. Tal audits captured the few sounds that invaded the area, mostly the trilling of chilly songbirds. The sound of pawsteps behind her also caught her attention, silken lyrics floating from her regal maw. "How long did you plan to follow me before saying anything?" She would inquire, voice like the falling of snow in a blizzard, her tone mockingly accusing as she slowly turned to face a stranger. A brow would raise quizzically as garnet gaze would fix upon the features of the strange wolf, orbs glittering with mirth as she awaited an answer.

image by Luisiana