


01-13-2014, 05:57 PM

She would say that she assumed them to be safe, since they hadn't heard from the northern pack in some time. Maverick thought differently, but for now he would bite his tongue. The russet once-King had a feeling that the northern wolves were only biding their time before they struck a blow once more, though with the movement of Valhalla it wouldn't be easy on them. Even Seracia didn't know their precise location. "It does," he would voice in agreement, the land certainly did seem fertile enough. "Not to mention it would give us a chance to expand our horizons, to trek over new and unscouted land." There was something to be said about a new landscape to view, a sight for sore eyes. Seracia was beautiful in it's own right, but perhaps members would be less likely to wander if they could wander privately within their own grounds. He would nip off another piece of meat, chewing it rather ungracefully while Epiphron spoke. He would swallow hard and reply, "I don't blame them for moving, I can't imagine any of them feeling safe in the plains after war was waged on their very borders." As much as he disliked the idea of leaving Seracia, a war might be the one major thing to drive him off. His family came first, above anything and everyone else. Epiphron, Amalia, Cassius, Quintus, Arian, Caeto, Celeste, Finiarel.. they were his life, his everything - and they always would be.
