


01-13-2014, 06:58 PM
Quote:Despite his efforts, Devya managed to move away from him, squirmed far enough away from him for his attempts to throw his shoulder and upper body over her for everything to miss entirely. His jaws would clamp down on her ear, but somehow it had moved too, regardless of her head remaining in the same place because her lips were wrapped around his goddamn leg. Codeine would not relish in the small victory of the top half of her ear being missing, he would continue trying to get her to stop. He would push forward where he had wanted to push up, and his right leg would shoot out to try and grab hold of Devya's left leg by curling around the top half and yanking it quickly toward him. He wanted to trip her up as well - and since she was already lowered enough to keep hold of his leg, he hoped that he would be able to get her front half on the ground without too much trouble considering the great lengths she was going to to stay hooked onto his leg.

The pressure that she put on it he could not stop, but she had grabbed his upper leg, above his elbow - a little harder to break as she had to tear through the muscle first. As of the moment her quarter inch bite marks were quickly becoming half inch wounds, bloody injuries that would hurt him like hell later. Although she wouldn't successfully break his leg, he would be left with a limp until his leg healed. A temporary reminder of the insolence of this wench, he wouldn't forget her quickly, his anger would only build toward her - and toward Ares, because for some reason he had picked this woman over his own family.

Since Devya was still below him, Codeine would continue to try and keep his balance with his front leg that was within Devya's grasp. Although she had it in her mouth, he would struggle to keep it on the ground, and his back legs after pushing him in Devya's direction moment before, would remain squared and positioned for balance. His open jaws would attempt to snap at Devya's face, her eyes were narrowed sure, but what was protecting them from his teeth if she wouldn't let go of his left leg? Moments after the snap to her ear, he would immediately lower his head and angle it to his left to try and sweep his jaws over both of her eyes, his bottom jaw would aim to catch her left eye and his top her right. If he was left with a momento of their fight, he would do his best to leave her with one as well - more than a cute little nick to her ear, that was for sure.

With her movement to the right, he would use every bit of his weight to try and stop her from draggging him along too. His muscles were tense, his back legs squared, his toes splayed and his nails dug into the ground for traction, and his tail was being used as a rudder to keep him balanced. The brute did his best to turn in Devya's direction with his forward thrust, as well as keeping himself upright as best he could despite Devya's movement to her right with his back legs and keeping his left one on the ground. His eyes were narrowed, his ears pinned and his jaws agape whenever he wasn't attempting to snap at the female positioned just below him. His chin was tucked to protect his throat, and his shoulders rolled to protect the sides of his neck. His hackles were raised along the back of his neck and spine - his tight.

attacks: aiming to grab Devya's left leg with his right one and trip her, aiming to blind both of Devya's eyes

defenses: muscles tense, back legs squared, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, jaws agape, shoulders rolled, chin tucked, hackles raised, back legs squared, toes splayed, toes digging into the ground, tail positioned for balance, moving toward Devya to try and keep close and keep her from moving too far and trying to throw him off balance,

injuries: half inch lacerations near the upper part of his left foreleg

vs. Devya for dominance and potential maim

Round 3 of 3