



03-19-2013, 07:03 AM
Chrysanthe struggled to keep the man up on her shoulders. Many a time the yearling nearly slipped or let him slip but she was determined to get him to safety. Once they were in less harsh loner lanes perhaps Thane would Have a chance at recovering more quickly: they might even find help here! Something that the warrior brute needed plenty of - his breathing was getting more shallow; and the yearling was starting to worry about his unrest as well. She couldn't remember perfectly, but wasn't the tossing and turning and muttering a sign of infection?

She sighed softly at the feel of green grass beneath her feet - and slowly the beta realized she recognized this land. This was where she had gone to deliver food to Soliel hen she first had her pups. "Ookami." The girl huffed, glancing over at the dark woman that had come this far with her. They had taken turns carrying the man when he was simply too heavy and they too tire to move any further. "There's a lake here - we're close." That meant food and shade for all three of them. But rest was the furthest thing from Chrysanthe's mind. Once she was able to set Thane down she would need to either go and get help, or call for someone that would hopefully offer their healing knowledge to the wounded warrior.

Trembling legs came to a stop once the shire of the lake was in sight, and slowly, carefully, she placed Thane down beneath the shade of two somewhat short but very appreciated trees. Closing her eyes, she stood beside the dark brute, but made sure that Ookami could scoot in next to him. She wasn't sure what their relationship was but she could tell that the two of them were close.

Nose lowering to the ground Chrys made sure that the three of them were alone. The earth smelled empty, thankfully. No unnamed terrors would be appearing from the shadows and make she and Ookami's job harder. Yet... Maybe that wouldn't be the case. She wield have to take a bit of a gamble and pray that someone kind was nearby. Thane couldn't wait for her to get all the way to Valhalla and back.

"Watch him. I'm going to call for help." She spoke as gently as she could to the star marked woman. With tha she wandered closer to where the trees dithered away and grasslands were visible. She wanted to be the first to see whoeve answered her call if someone did answer it. Taking a deep breath, the princess tilted her head back and howled, her voice carrying on the wind and whisking her words into a song. The message was dire, someone was hurt and they needed help.

Hopefully someone would answer her cry for help soon.