
Swinging from the Castles


01-14-2014, 11:41 AM
Someday. Someday their family would be reunited. Aranya's words gave him courage that this would someday come to be true. Aranya would continue on to say that she had been wandering for about three moons in Alacritia, finding many packs. But she had not yet joined one. Joining a pack was something that more often times than not should be carefully considered. Especially when there were many choices to choose from. As she asked him where to go from here the brute would from, tilting his ears back slightly. Truthfully he wasn't too sure. He really wanted to spend some time wandering around Alacritis himself just to get a feel for the lands...

But rather than having the chance to respond to his sister a stranger would arrive. He would carry prey in his jaws, approaching them at a fast speed. Birch would flick his ears towards the brute. He would come up to his sister's side, asking about Birch. He would raise a brow, light purple eyes reflecting the same question. Yes, who was this brute, Aranya?

And so, with a very excited Aranya explaining, the two brutes were introduced to each other. He would chuckle as she nipped at his ear, ducking his head a bit. He had been wary about Nuka at first, but now he was just glad that his sister had found someone to keep her company. The brute would let his gaze flick to the other male, and he would dip his head in respect.

"A great honor to meet someone who has obviously been keeping my sister in good company. Well met, Nuka." If Aranya trusted this brute than he would as well. He had no reason not to. Besides, the duo was a trio now, because Birch wasn't about to go anywhere and leave Aranya behind... and he gathered that Nuka was a two in one package deal so he was going to be getting used to him as well.