



6 Years
01-14-2014, 01:44 PM

?Of course, my star. In the flesh, though missing a piece.? His tail swayed, his attention all for her. A ghost of smile found her lips, her mind taking his words into consideration. "I wonder what he means," She would question internally. Was he physically missing a piece of himself or was he being figurative? "He has to mean figuratively... does he realize I am missing a piece too?" Or maybe she was missing multiple. Or maybe not at all? She felt like any and all missing pieces had suddenly come together, found her again.

Her compliment to him made him smile. Her eyes kept to his. Oh how she had missed those green eyes watching her. ?So do you, Azalea. You move like a big cat in here. Beautiful, graceful.? Azalea shrugged, trying to mask how he flustered her mind to give her compliments like that.

As Azalea examined his neck, he gave a grim nod before speaking. ?Courtesy of your dear friend, the grey skeleton boy. He had a great deal to say, and that led to his death by your father?s jaws. And a good several blows by mine.? Azalea's face dropped, eyes clouding and ears pulling back. She still hadn't the slightest idea why her father had chosen to go so far as killing him. Had he deserved it? She had avoided the question but maybe now was the time to ask. "Why? Sarak, why did my father do it? He is no cold blooded killer, he had to have a reason."

Vixe was a touchy subject altogether, a threat to Sarak's relationship with Azalea. Now that he was departed, perhaps it would not be pushing things to bring him up. No longer could the steel grey brute tempt her.

Her dark male went into an explanation of his journey, why his wound had been left to fester. When he went back to Vixe she didn't know what to expect. Her brow spots shot up and her mouth dropped open. She couldn't speak. How did you find words to explain how you feel to know that a "friend" decided to call you a harlot? A small strangled noise found its way out.

?I told him I couldn?t imagine you allowing such a whelp as him to lay with you, and insulted his gender, since most of Glaciem are female. As for the pups. I will help you raise them, and be a father to them, if your da will even let me be with you. I?m pretty sure he wants to rip my throat out, too.? Azalea seemed to gather herself now, a smirk coming on her face and she sat down and a wiggle of her shoulders. Proud, foolishly so, that Sarak and Collision had protected her honor.

He said too that he would act as the father to her children and she didn't know how she felt about it. Mainly she couldn't picture Sarak as being a father, not that he wouldn't make a good one, but he too was too young to be tied down to a family. Azalea could have gone her whole life and still been too young to be tied down.

The thought of Collision trying to keep them apart made her physically shake her head, defensive. "No. I wont let him!" Azalea shifted where she sat, trying to stifle her indignity. "Besides... you wouldn't let him." Her words were pointed, eyes on the ground but then lifting to his suddenly. "Would you?"

?But you need to promise me this: Don?t you ever leave me hanging like that. Not ever. I love you with every fiber of my being. Without you, I may as well find a bear and piss him off.? Hanging like what? Like how he had left her? To go follow wolves that were not even part of Valhalla? Who had left who here?

She pushed that aside though, realizing what exactly had had said and was saying. He loved her and he would rather be dead without her. She felt cruel, knowing her first emotion was fear. Fear of disappointing him and leading to his demise. Why did he want to push such a crazy ultimatum onto her when she had only just embraced being a mother.

Azalea stood up silently, moving toward him until there less than a foot between their noses. A half smile took hold of her face, a paw lifting to place it on his face, trying to hide his eyes that always watched her so well. "I don't want anyone else. If I could have you for the rest of forever then I won't need anyone else."