


01-14-2014, 01:45 PM
OOC: Yowai you poor he deserved it, tis cool, just gonna add in a few minor retaliations.

They were upon him like flies on curdled milk. The first being a tiny black wench who would dare place her paws on him. Yowai would react, snapping jaws forward to grasp her foreleg and twist her off of him. Blood seeping onto his tongue. Before he could lunge at her, a pain delved into his hind end, and the male twisted to see who was attacking him. He yelled out in pain as he felt bones breaking and cracking, adrenaline coursing through his body. His world seemed to run red and black, and before he knew it he was staring at his own tail on the floor. Snarling he snapped and lunged at the white bitch, teeth closing over her muzzle before releasing to tend to the other bitch that came up to him. Another attack, another round of pain as he screamed out. Cut short when bones crunched, claws raking over his face. The male's jaw broke a bit, though not enough to completely handicap him as he then swung to slam his head against hers. Half blind, and with blood streaming over his face and body, he could feel himself weakening from the blood loss.

Within moments, he was on the ground collapsed and exhausted. Half dead as blood poured from his wounds. He knew someday he would get what he deserved, and yet he did not regret it. These bitches would learn soon enough their place among the world of men, they had no place but underneath them. That was it. And this display would not discourage him from future attempts. Each and every one of them would get what was coming; of that he would make sure.

Soon, the main bitch came forward. Staring at him with cold eyes and he could only stare back. He knew they weren't done, he still had a lot more coming. But as it was, he was too tired to fight back. Jaws parted, more claws scraping into his flesh and soon, the dragging tug of his tongue as more blood pooled into his mouth. Oh how horrible fate could be, but it was no less then he expected. For someone like him, he deserved all the pain and punishment that would come.