
Challenged for Ludicael (Ulrike)


02-07-2013, 03:21 PM

Pepper quickly rolled out from underneath him as he came down. She did her best to avoid his claws and jaws as she could, and in the result got a small scratch on her side. The scratch didn't bother her as it could have been much worse had she chosen to stand or hold her ground.
The second her paws hit the ground, being only a foot away from him, she spun and into his side she shot. She put all the power she could into the attack as her hind legs pushed her into him with all the force they could. Her mouth was open, teeth bared and ready for the crimson liquids to fill it as no matter where he moved to she was going to hit him...but the extent of the damage depended on weather he moved or not. Her front legs were extended and her paws were ready to dig her claws into any flesh they came in contact with.

Defensive Actions: rolled away from the attack(dodged)

Injuries: Total she has scratches on her left thigh from the first attack. From the second she has a bite wound to the right side of her chest just above her leg. On the third attack she gained a bite wound on her tail. On the fourth attack she obtained no further wounds aside from the man's teeth going a bit deeper in the wound on her tail, and the skin in that area is torn a little more than the original wound was. For the fifth attach her ear has been split open in a strait, thin line. Now she has another scratch on her side, but its a small one.

Attacked with:She shot at his side with all of her strength jaws wide and ready to tear at any flesh in front of them and her claws are ready for the same
