



01-14-2014, 04:47 PM

The monarch would observe his servants closely as they ripped the man apart, doing exactly as he wished and then a little more. A corrupted sneer would crease his ebony lips as he watched, and when his darling Elysia dropped the tongue at his brawny paws he would rise. He would effortlessly stride forth, his impeccable movements flawless as he came directly up to the demolished man. He would stand over him for a moment, frosty gaze rolling over the bite marks and gushing wounds. "Well done ladies..." He would think to himself, more than pleased. They had done well. He would strike out with acceleration similar to a lightning stike, jaws agape as he closed around the mans genitalia and ripped violently backward. He would roll the pair out of his mouth and drop them directly in front of the man so that he could see them, his gaze lifting to watch the spasms of pain beneath the mutts chocolate pelt. He deserved nothing less than this.

"You belong to me now, a woman within my ranks, as you have no genitalia to prove your right as a man. You are a slave and nothing more." He would announce for all to hear, his deep tone remaining neutral. He would not allow his anger to boil to the surface in front of his ladies over a pathetic scum bag like this. He would turn to them, leaving the male to lay in his own bodily fluids. "Soon we will have our own kingdom, my polished beauties, and we will stand against beings like him." He would boast proudly, the satisfaction he felt showing clearly upon his features. "Now, gather my alluring gems. We have business to discuss." He would expect them all to flock forth and gather around him eagerly so that he could spill some of his intentions.