
Yours & Mine



5 Years
Extra large
01-14-2014, 09:42 PM

His wife hadn't always been the woman that she was now. Or maybe she was, but no one had been able to work around her strongly built walls to see the wonderful woman beneath them. At one point in time, Maija had been cold, and reserved, emotionless even. She had tried avoiding interactions with others, including the cobalt titan himself. But the fact that she was a little cold didn't deter the gargantuan. Even back then, he had been able to see that there was something else beneath her golden pelt. And he was glad that he had taken the time to work with her, to slowly help her lower her walls because the woman behind those walls was one of the most beautiful women he had ever met in his life. More beautiful than Argent ever could be, for one simple fact; she loved him back with just as much fervor, if not more.

He would feel her brush against him, her body silently directing him to follow her back into the foliage and the titan would comply without protest, muzzle pressed to her shoulder as he moved after her. It wasn't until she had reached somewhere where she apparently felt comfortable that they would stop, milky white eyes blinking curiously as Maija would press herself against him, their cobalt and golden pelts meshing together. She would repeat the same process on his other side, humming quietly to herself as she moved along his side. Dark lids would fall over milky eyes, ears folding against his crown, enjoying his wife's touch and her sweet voice. How he craved these rare moments alone.

And just like that she would pull herself back, her humming being replaced with her actual Romanian voice, a soft kiss touching his nose. I have been a horrible wife. The past two nights, all I could think about was kidnapping you and flying away to parts unknown. I was so selfish, and having you now makes the fantasies real! Oh, Taurig! Whatever will I do to make up for my guilt? Surely, there must be a punishment that compares to loving you forever and ever... The first words out of her mouth made a panic rise up in the man's throat, eyes shooting open with alarm. The panic would quickly become quelled as he continued to listen, realizing that there was a teasing tone to her words. A chuckle would work its way free from his voice box, his skin prickling at his wife's touch, allowing his chest to puff up against her paw. Oh my fair lady, this humble man requests that you take him as your own personal prisoner for the day. Take him where you will, do with him what you please, he is here to serve you and please and love you always.

It wasn't often that his wife was playful, even with him, but when she was she poured it on good. Her paw would fall from his chest, only to be replaced with her own chest, her head resting against the nook between his shoulder and neck. You mean so much to me, my dear cobalt stallion. A loving smile would curl inky jowls, dark plume wagging behind him as he dipped his crown against her shoulders, pulling her close. And you mean more to me than I could ever explain my golden dove.

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