


01-14-2014, 10:05 PM

The man commented on her height, soon coming to quip that it was possible he simply shrank. Was this another play on females being inferior? She wondered to herself, but allowed a soft grin to play at her features despite herself. He pointed out her hypocrisy, but still indulged her and introduced himself. When his name met her tall rosen audits a broad grin teased up the corners of her cherry lips and she chuckled. "It appears my mother was not the only one who named her children that way. My name's Skadi." The gladatrix with a pale silver pelt chuckled, realizing the irony of their situation. Seating herself calmly, long silken banner resting flush with one of her haunches. Scarred forelimbs would catch refracted light for a brief moment as her pose was shifted, displaying for the attentive eye the marks she had received for ignoring her mother's orders. She put to memory his offer, though doubted she would ever call him up on it. Sleeping around just wasn't her style, though it seemed it was for just about everyone else in the family. Who knew, maybe as she grew and realized what a drag life was in general, she would seek out this dark man and take him up on the offer. Maybe. "It's a pleasure to meet you Loki, it seems destiny decided to play a game with us." She chuckled, beating the tip of her rosy banner upon the frozen terra underfoot a few times.
What were the odds of such a meeting taking place? The man appeared not to have changed in demeanor, she was simply more at ease knowing they were both from similar families, where the mother's apparently had a sense of humor in naming them. Let me guess, his father's name is Laufey and his mother's name is Farbauti. She thought to herself, inwardly laughing at her own pessimism. A soft grin played at her features, ruby gaze glittering with amusement. Based on the legends, he would either react by running away, or be very pissed off. Either way it would end with a lot of laughter on her part, unless he knew nothing of the legends, or simply wasn't much of a believer in them. Most likely he didn't give a shit, since most didn't want to play those games and have a laugh about these things. If he mentioned children, the woman would most likely fall apart with laughter, simply because with her luvk one of them would be named Fenrir. Soft raspberry gaze sparkling with mirth, the pale silvery giantess would keep her attention on the man. Oh the irony of it all...

image by Luisiana