
I'm gonna miss you



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
01-14-2014, 10:35 PM

He remained in the comfort of his mothers touch for as long as he could. Her words sifting into his ears, he would definitely miss her voice. But he would be back to see her soon. After all, if she hadn't birthed him, he would never get the opportunity to be with a father as great as his was. And at the motion, Sora clambered onto his mothers back and held on as best he could before they plunged into the waters once more. He clung to his mother, not wanting to slide or fall off, and luckily for him he wasn't big enough to not fit upon her back. The water would do its best to drag at them, but his mother pushed on, and he would give an encouraging lick to her ear to spur her forth.

What seemed like forever, the pair were finally at the island. Sora clambered off when his mother made it to dry ground, and shook his fur out just as she did until it stuck out in all directions. As soon as he had finished shaking, her voice called him forward and quietly he obeyed. Large puppy paws marched after her, sand sticking to parts of his fur though he tried to keep clean it just wasn't happening. Earth just didn't agree with his damp fur.

He stopped and waited as she called out for the islands inhabitants. Without hesitation, he moved to sit within the curves of her body, his smaller form meshing with hers as the warmth seeped into him. The winds were chilly here, but it didn't bother him much. He'd reach up to lick at her muzzle, head nuzzling her chest as well with the motion. He'd wait patiently for his father to appear. Both excitement and sorrow within the boys mind as he figured this might be the last time he'd see his mom for least, until he was big enough to swim back on his own. "Speech"

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.