
Then a wish it did land



5 Years
01-15-2014, 09:06 AM

"I'd really like that, Novella, it would be really fun to see everyone again. I've missed you guys, it just hasn't been the same without you and everyone around." Novella had of course been incredibly fortunate. She had been amongst the first group to leave technically, though she'd travelled alone there was that constant knowledge that Symphony, Howl and Anthem weren't too far away from her, all she had to do was pick up the pace a little more and catch up to them. She hadn't really felt that same pang, not until she had realised she wasn't returning any time soon. It was then that the young girl had felt herself feeling a little homesick, knowing she wouldn't see her parents, remaining siblings, cousins or aunt for quite some time.

Of course that thought was slowly proving to be rather wrong, first of course Legend had showed up, followed not that long afterwards by Myth. Story was apparently somewhere between here and home she supposed, and of course Satu was here and Cirala somewhere as well. That left only Lyric at home from their generation, the sensible one of the family she supposed who she guessed been the one to take Song's place in being the heir to Ahlon. Perhaps they would come visit? She could always hope, after all she certainly hadn't expected this many members of her family to be roaming around Alacritis!

"I've missed you too. And I'm sure everyone else will be just as glad to see you again. Novella declared. How could they not be? They were family after all, mind you she probably shouldn't assume things, not after Howl and Symphony's initial reaction to seeing Song again. Her sister's circumstances had been completely different though, they really didn't have a reason to be anything but pleased to see Satu.