
Legion of the Black



5 Years
Extra large
01-15-2014, 03:35 PM (This post was last modified: 01-15-2014, 08:21 PM by Taurig.)
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Name: Pulsus "Wraith" Black

Litter Group: Lunatik's litter

Appearance: Pulsus is one of the largest of the Black family(aside from the father he never met), with his litter mate Lunatik the only one being able to match him in size. He stands at 40 inches in height, weighing 190lbs. He's an intimidating man to say the least, but he's anything but a brute. Despite his massive size, his body isn't really built like a tank. That's not to say he can't take a good beating, but he isn't really built to deliver one. His body is shaped more to be a hunter than a fighter. Long, lean limbs hold up his formidable mass, wiry muscle strapped across his shoulders and thighs. A slightly longer than normal tail drapes behind his haunches, the tip brushing against the ground like a dark brush. This particular black man doesn't stay true to his surname, instead defying it with his ghostly-white coat. The solid color is only disrupted in three places. The first appears across his face on the left side in the color of sooty grey, brushed from the bottom of his jaw, spanning the length of his face though not passing the tear duct of his left eye, until it reaches his right ear, bathing the right ear in the same sooty color. The color continues down the right side of his neck, reaching back towards his right shoulder, curving downwards to engulf his right leg entirely in the sooty grey. The same color appears once again in his slightly longer tail, covering the appendage completely. Typical to the Black lineage, the man dons a black cross on his left shoulder, outlined in an inky ebony. His eyes, ghastly in their appearance are of ice and amethyst, the iciest of blues for his left and the deepest of amethyst for his right.

Personality: Please meet site requirements for personality.

Alignment: Neutral good

Brief History: Pulsus is the only other survivor of the first Black Litter from Mystic and Deviant, though no one is aware that he lived. He was left for dead alongside his other truly deceased siblings, and he probably would've died had the rogue who adopted him not come along and found him. The rogue she-wolf took in the abandoned pup, raising him as her own, teaching him vital skills for his adult life. As far as he was concerned, the rogue woman was his birth mother, for she had been there since day one for him and he didn't know any different. She raised him as if he were her own flesh and blood, and the bond that developed between them could've fooled anyone, despite their obvious differences in appearance. She raised the boy to be a good man, conscious of the difference between good and bad, to always do the right thing if he could help it. His life was just fine until his fourth birthday. His mother became stricken with an illness, and knowing she wouldn't be able to overcome it, she confessed everything to Pulsus. Told him of the clan of wolves with the crosses on their shoulders like his. He was shocked to find out that she wasn't his real mother, but before he could investigate further, she took her last breath and was gone. The now Black man would bury his deceased adopted mother and head out.

He had no idea what his family looked like or what kind of wolves they were, just that they bore the cross symbol like he did. He wandered far and wide, questioning every wolf he came in contact with, asking them if they had seen any traces of the Black clan anywhere. Finally, after months, he would get a lead. Alacritis. Rumors were that his brother, Lunatik was his name, had found his way to a place called Alacritis. With renewed determination Pulsus made his way to Alacritis, to hopefully reunite with his family and shed some light on his past.

Plans: Reunite with Lunatik, get to know him and then find the rest of his family. Figure out whether he wants to kill Lunatik like everyone else, or stay on his brother's side.

Better manip lolol

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