
Soundly broken [SPAR]


01-15-2014, 04:22 PM

It was funny how things played themselves out. As he was approached by the obviously more experienced woman Hajime could scent tortuga across her. Exactly what he was practicing to get back. Glaciem had killed his mother, he wouldn't let them just give away his home without he having any say in it. Of course he didn't say anything about that to this woman. It was a friendly civil spar for practice. And perhaps if it went well, she would like to stay if he ever received Tortuga out of his strifes. The man gave a dip of his head respectfully, he would say nothing of his plans after all it was of his own private choices. If she was one who grew to hate him, then so be it, he was tired of trying to please others. "My name is Hajime Walker, it's a pleasure. Let's have a good fight then." He would not receive her name, however her scent and appearance etched into his brain for when he'd see her at his challenging day. Pulling himself back in a growl, he had fought once before and lost but this time would be different with his training. Hackles bristling he became a fluffy ball of death, his shoulders rolled back and head tucked down to protect his neck as his toes dug into the soil for traction. In a few brief moments then he'd charge the woman head on.
Using his weight to give some sort of advantage he tilted his head off to the right, aiming to grab onto her snout and pull her face down towards him. The man tried to turn himself so that his side would be facing her, pulling his weight forward to pressure onto the woman. Of course it wasn't a very good attack, but his teeth longed to grab onto that snout and drag her down of some sorts so that he could get a better bite in. His left paw lifted and attempted to smash into her right toes. The boys ears pinned against his head and tail kept level with his spine his hackles still raised. Rest of his toes splayed out with the dirt red eyes narrowed at the girl. Scruff rolled forward to give him the protection he needed.
1/3 For practice

Attack:; Hajime is trying to have his left side facing her after he goes for the front of her snout to tug her forward. Also attempting to smash her right paw to bruise toes or break them.

Defense:; Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, toes splayed into the dirt, hackles raised and his scruff rolled. Tail is level with spine.

Injuries:; Na

ooc: Excuse my crappy post.
