
Apologies [open]

Leon I


11 Years
03-19-2013, 11:58 AM

Sky blue eyes fluttered open. He had just drifted off to dreamland during a small mid-patrol nap when the echoing cry of another awoke him instantly. It figured, the moment he would lie down to rest, someone would arrive and need watching until a high ranked member arrived. Aislyn had been getting around lately, seeing to the newcomers, and Chrysanthe was also quite active, but Leon deserved to intercept one or two, at least before the Betas got there to do the real accepting. Robotically, he stood and stretched. Ears rotated forward and jaws parted in a brief yawn of arousal. A smile plastered itself quite unwillingly across his features. Leon had not been himself lately, but he could play the part. The smile grew more natural as he paced toward the stranger, finding it necessary to pick up his pace in order to arrive before the others. The effort he was putting in, he only hoped it would pay off someday, if his darling cousin didn't steal his rank before he could ask for it.

"You stand at the borders of Valhalla. What is your business?" Words were formal and eloquent, much like they would have been if any other Adravendi had versed them. Baritone notes faded off gently as he remained standing, wanting to appear prepared should this stranger have any qualms with his home. Eyes roved about her frame, noting her curious markings and coloration. Leon had not seen many wolves with looks such as these, and found her to be quite attractive. But despite her pelt, Leon ventured to guess that her eyes were her most appealing feature. But he was not here to flirt, he was here for business, and business alone. The tricolored man allowed his tail to lightly sway behind him as he waited for a response - some of his patience growing thin.
