
Grape Vine



03-19-2013, 12:10 PM

I adore Seracia... Tell me of your home before Seracia. Loccian had been laying there just watching the world around them when he had spoken, going off into his own little world of what he liked about Seracia. The shewolf couldn't really agree with him, she thought the place was nice but only because the pack was kind to her in a way that was far better than her home. Thinking about this was when she heard Segar's voice again, causing her body to grow tense when he asked her to tell him about her home before Seracia.

Almost immediately the calm, relaxed shewolf seemed to grow nervous, her tail flicking and her ears back but not quite laying on her head. She didn't like thinking about her homelands, it always put her in a foul mood, depression following quickly after. All she could really remember was a large pack full of crazed or power hungry wolves always fighting amongst themselves. The beatings she recieved from her mother, adoptive, because she was as big as everyone, a weakling that was good for nothing but taking your anger out on. If it wasn't the pack that she remembed it was the lands in which the Pack of Night resided in. Even then though she could only remember a little bit of the forest, so beautiful and full of life. Before she had been disowned by her father she and her brothers would sneak out of camp to play around out there. Playing tag, trying to climb logs that seemed like mountains back then, trying to catch leaves before they hit the ground....

My home before Seracia... Her voice had changed from its gentle tone to a more sad one, as if talking about it brought her heartache. The only time I got to experience the land we lived in was when I was just a pup, old enough to run around and play. It was so beautiful back then, I would just stand there and admire such beauty, all the smells, all the animals. The freedom of just being able to run around and have the best time of your life with your siblings... She had been looking down at her paws as she spoke, taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. As for my family... they were not the kindest bunch. That was all she would say, if he wanted to know more then she might explain but for now she would not, she did not want to bring back THOSE memories. I'm gonna get going, it was nice chatting with you. She spoke softly, her mood going down the drain, so she decided she should go. With a flick of her tail she left.


My Speech!
Your Speech!